Evil running amok is an old story, but the form it takes can bring it a new twist. The demonic possession of a young girl in The Exorcist made the film riveting, and the methods for corruption of the innocent are diabolically widespread. At first glance, Kreepy Kat seems like a new take on the theme. KK is appallingly nihilistic and hedonistic, but that alone doesn't explain what attracts me to the character, because even Garfield is enmeshed in his share of the seven deadly sins. It took a while, but I finally decided it's the teeth. KK's choppers read to my eye as molars, and that interpretation, right or wrong, makes Kreepy Kat a unique vision of evil, unique among cat interpretations that have come before. KK is a beast, capable of gnashing bones, disguised as a pussycat until the mouth opens. Eventually my fascination caused me to send a batch of questions to creator Alan Kerr. I skipped asking about the molars. I'm not sure I want to know.
A: I don't know how widely read it is, but I love A Softer World because it's just exquisite.
Q: What web comic by someone you know would you recommend?
A: The only person I even vaguely know with a webcomic is Jamie Smart, who does Whubble and the Angry Little Robot, both of which are great.
A: The only person I even vaguely know with a webcomic is Jamie Smart, who does Whubble and the Angry Little Robot, both of which are great.
Q: Introduce your work to new readers in a few sentences.
A: Kreepy Kat is the pet from hell. A horrible, twisted, disturbing, utterly wrong sack of feline atrocity, he is a weeping boil on the face of existance, brought to you every Monday in a newspaper-style gag strip. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Q: What are your web sites, and what do they offer?
A: Dead Boy Designs is my main site, featuring my illustrations & design. Kreepy Kat features everything related to the feline AntiChrist, and Lusisulfura.com is the site for my other major comic creation, a demon who was sent to Earth to drag souls to Hell but couldn't be bothered.
Q: What promotional tools have helped you find new readers?
A: Myspace and various forums, a little, but mostly just word of mouth. I've done very little in the way of proactive marketing - I prefer to just keep producing the strips and letting good word of mouth generate momentum. That way I avoid being the annoying guy always pestering uninterested people about my stuff.
Q: What merchandise item would you love to offer if the economics allow?
A: Vinyl Kreepy toys, dunny style.
A: Kreepy Kat is the pet from hell. A horrible, twisted, disturbing, utterly wrong sack of feline atrocity, he is a weeping boil on the face of existance, brought to you every Monday in a newspaper-style gag strip. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Q: What are your web sites, and what do they offer?
A: Dead Boy Designs is my main site, featuring my illustrations & design. Kreepy Kat features everything related to the feline AntiChrist, and Lusisulfura.com is the site for my other major comic creation, a demon who was sent to Earth to drag souls to Hell but couldn't be bothered.
Q: What promotional tools have helped you find new readers?
A: Myspace and various forums, a little, but mostly just word of mouth. I've done very little in the way of proactive marketing - I prefer to just keep producing the strips and letting good word of mouth generate momentum. That way I avoid being the annoying guy always pestering uninterested people about my stuff.
Q: What merchandise item would you love to offer if the economics allow?
A: Vinyl Kreepy toys, dunny style.