Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ad Tips

This great skyscraper ad for Galaxion was created and discussed 
during the on-going conversation. It's untested but looks promising to me.

Here is a conversation among some webcomickers, condensed. We were talking about what makes ads work, and while this list is hardly the final word, it contains some good ideas.

  • ads that pop are good: color choices matter
  • ads that suggest the art is good are good
  • ads shouldn't blend into the background of a site, or get lost in a cluster of ads
  • animated ads clash with other animated ads, so they don't do as well in clusters
  • one idea for big ads is to show a fragment of a compelling story
  • ads with your name advertise your title even to people who don't click
  • ad hosts should use the spacing control panel on Project Wonderful to insert buffers between ads
  • there may be an advantage to ads on hosts (like dead comics) that disappoint the reader or which allow the reader to finish quickly and leave on an ad
  • people's eyes are drawn to renderings of eyes and faces
  • a great ad may only slightly outperform a good ad, but it will last longer on the site before it becomes tired
Thanks to the many people at The Web Comic List who contributed to the discussion.